Welcome to Hancock

Town Clerk’s Office Hours – Appointments Required

NOTE: NEW OFFICE HOURS STARTING October 16, 2024 – Monday 9AM-3PM, Tuesday 12PM-6PM, Wednesday 9AM-3PM.

Current office hours below:

Monday 10AM–4PM ,  Tuesday 9AM–3PM, Wednesday 9AM-3PM

Town Clerk Phone: (802) 767-3660

Town Clerk Email: townclerk@hancockvt.org

We are closed for all Federal and State holidays.


Notice of Public Hearing – Vermont for a Planning

Grant under the Vermont Community Development Program


The Town of Hancock is seeking bids for a 3-year road grading contract.

Click below for bidding information:


Notice Regarding Sale of Town Land – see below.



Hancock Town Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023


To view a copy of the Hancock Town Plan, click below.

Town Plan:


ATTENTION! Town of Hancock

The Hancock/Granville Fast Trash program has moved!

Starting July 3, Trash and recycling drop off will be in Rochester every Saturday from 8am to 11am. Trash/Recycling drop off will no longer be conducted in Hancock or Granville.

  • ** Trash drop off in Rochester will be available every Saturday.**
  • Location: Rochester Town Office, 67 School St.
  • Time: Saturdays 8am to 11am.
  • Starting: Saturday, July 3, 2021.


Town Report for the Town of Hancock for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021 (See download link below.)


Public Hearing Notice
Town of Hancock
The Selectboard of the Town of Hancock will hold a hearing on the proposed revisions to the Hancock Town Plan on February 15, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the Town Clerk’s Office located at 1027 VT Route 100, Hancock VT 05748. The meeting may also be accessed remotely by Zoom, using the following weblink and access information:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81832822545 pwd=bW5tbUlSZjZvdGdqSXBhRmlQSktTQT09

Meeting ID: 818 3282 2545
Passcode: 856321
Phone: +1-301-715-8592

Any written comments from residents, landowners, neighboring towns, the regional planning commission, and the State shall be addressed to the Hancock Selectboard either at this Public Hearing or by mail to PO Box 100, Hancock, VT 05748 by February 14, 2022. These revisions will replace the current Plan in its entirety.
The proposal covers all lands within the Town of Hancock. Full copies of the draft Town Plan and maps are available for review at the Hancock Town Offices and hancockvt.org. Below is a summary of the proposal.
I. Introduction
II. Population
III. Economic Base
IV. Housing
V. Community Development
VI. Utilities & Facilities
VII. Emergency Service Station
VIII. Education
IX. Transportation
X. Current and Future Land Use
XI. Natural Resources
XII. Energy
XIII. Recreation
XIV. Agriculture & Forestry
XV. Flood Resilience
XVI. Relationship to Other Plans
XVII. Implementation
Hancock Selectboard


Hancock Town Meeting 2021 – Voter Information

For 2021 ONLY the Hancock Town Meeting will be conducted via Australian Ballot. There will be no in-person meeting on March 2, 2021. This change was made so that Hancock can be compliant with the current Vermont health and safety guidelines that prevent large indoor gatherings. This change applies only to the March 2, 2021 Town Meeting.

Town reports will be mailed to all registered voters as usual.

Voting will be conducted at the Town Clerk’s Office on March 2, 2021 from 10am to 7pm.

Ballots will be available at the polls on March 2, 2021 for in-person voting.

In addition, voters may request that an absentee ballot be mailed to them. Absentee ballots may be returned via mail, dropped into the secure lockbox outside the Town Clerk’s Office, or delivered in-person to a poll worker on March 2, 2021 between the hours of 10am and 7pm.

To request an absentee ballot:
Visit the State’s My Voter page at www.mvp.vermont.gov
Call the Town Clerk at 767-3660 – request an absentee ballot and leave your full name and address.
Email your request to the Town Clerk – include your name and mailing address: townclerk@hancockvt.org

A Town Meeting Informational Meeting will be held REMOTELY on February 23 at 7:00 pm to discuss the Articles on the ballot. Call-in/join details will be posted a week before the meeting on the Town Website and will also be available from the Town Clerk.

Voting will take place at the Town Clerk’s Office from 10am to 7pm on March 2, 2021. Absentee ballots must be received by the Town Clerk before 7pm on that day.

The Hancock Select Board values in-person voting and we look forward to resuming this type of meeting when the pandemic has ended.

Hancock Select Board




At its December 15, 2020 meeting the Hancock Select Board adopted Australian Ballot for conducting the Town’s business on Town Meeting day in 2021. This adoption of an Australian Ballot is in effect only for 2021.

Prior to the vote, the Select Board evaluated the best ways to proceed with Town Meeting in 2021. The Board was unanimous in its belief that the Covid-19 pandemic will still be with us in March and that the Town does not have a facility that would allow for a safe gathering of voters in compliance with State Covid-19 restrictions to conduct an in-person meeting. Earlier in 2020, in response to Covid-19, the State of Vermont passed temporary legislation that allows Town Select Boards to adopt the Australian Ballot system for the conducting of Town business in 2021. The State further urged Towns to consider and adopt Australian Ballot quickly so that there is time to plan and educate voters before Town Meeting.

The adoption of Australian Ballot for Town Meeting in 2021 means that all of the Town’s business that would normally be conducted in-person “from the floor” at Town Meeting will be put in written form onto a paper ballot similar to the ballots that are used during general elections. The Warning, Articles (including the budget), and the elected positions to be filled will all be included on the ballot. Ballots will be filled out by registered voters and the ballots returned to a ballot box at the Town Clerk’s Office on Town Meeting day.

At least one informational meeting will be held at least 10 days prior to Town Meeting day to allow for questions to be asked regarding the items on the ballot. This meeting will likely be a virtual meeting which people can join via a computer or telephone. The date of this meeting has not been determined as of the date of this letter.

Hancock residents interested in running for elected offices will need to register in advance if they want their names to appear on the Town Meeting ballot. A Consent Form must be filled out to get your name on the ballot. The form is available for download on the Town website and from the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk can be reached at 802-767-3660. These forms must be submitted to the Town Clerk by Monday January 25, 2021. A signed petition is not necessary in order to run for elected office in 2021.

The Consent Form to have your name appear on the Town Meeting Ballot is also available at: https://sos.vermont.gov/media/e3pkphur/local-candidate-consent-pdf.pdf

Elected Offices that are up for election are as follows:
Select Board 2 positions (3 year term & 2 year term)
Budget Committee 1 position
Cemetery Commission 1 position
Constable 1 position
Delinquent Tax Collector 1 position
Grand Juror 1 position
Library Trustee 1 position
Listers 2 positions
Moderator 1 position
Road Commissioner 1 position
Town Agent 1 position
WRVA Board Member 1 position
Please consider running for elected office!

If you have any questions regarding the adoption of Australian Ballot for Town Meeting in 2021 or any other questions, please feel free to contact the Hancock Select Board or the Town Clerk.
Monica Collins 802-767-3570
Dan Perera 802-767-4851
Scott Gillette 802-770-0727

Hancock Select Board


Hancock Public Advisory Regarding the Coronavirus

In response to the nationwide spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Hancock Select Board is notifying residents of prudent actions to mitigate community spread of the virus.
Nationwide action to limit the spread of the Coronavirus is critical to slowing the rates of infection and reducing the stress on our local and national healthcare systems.
Practice “Social Distancing” keeping 6 feet of distance between you and everyone else. Avoid gatherings of any kind.
Anyone developing cold or flu symptoms should self-quarantine at home for 2 weeks in order to avoid the possibility of spreading the virus throughout the community. You should call your physician if you develop a fever. It is advisable to stock 2 weeks of food staples, prescription medications, and pet food in the event of self-quarantine due to illness.
Those over the age of 60, and those with pre-existing health conditions such as heart disease and a compromised respiratory system, are most vulnerable to the coronavirus. Special care should be taken to not expose this population to the virus.
The virus incubation period can be up to 2 weeks before experiencing symptoms; therefore, people carrying the virus can unknowingly expose others. Avoiding close physical contact with people who are sick is suggested. Put distance between yourself and other people. This is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting sick.
Symptoms: Please be conscious of any flu-like symptoms, including:
1. Sore throat
2. Cough
3. Fever
4. Difficulty breathing, lung congestion—lung congestion is the most serious symptom.

Contact your physician in the event you experience any of these symptoms.
These are the recommendations from the Federal Government’s CDC (Center for Disease Control):
There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent the illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, as a reminder, CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory disease, including:

• Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
• Stay home when you are sick.
• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
• Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask.
• CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
• Facemasks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of facemasks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility)

• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom;
before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
• If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

Should it be determined that you need testing, the US Government has released assurance that testing will be free.

Be advised that the Hancock Town Clerk’s office is closed except by appointment.

Be advised that the Hancock Free Public Library is closed.

Important Phone numbers:

Hancock Town Office: 802-767-3660
Gifford Medical Center: 802-728-4441
Rochester/Gifford Clinic: 802-767-3704
White River Ambulance: 911
VT Health Dept. Infectious Disease and Epidemiology: 802-863-7240
Central VT Medical Center: 802-775-7111
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center: 603-650-5000
Home Health Agency referrals are made through your primary care doctor
Vermont Information 211

Important Websites:



For the safety of our staff, patrons, and community,
the Library is temporarily closing to the public
effective immediately. We will keep the community
apprised regarding an opening date, at which time
the doors will once again be open to all.
In the meantime, our WiFi continues to be free and
is not password protected. It will remain available
throughout this time for use from the parking lot.
Stay safe and healthy!
Board of Library Trustees


Located in the heart of the Green Mountains at the headwaters of the White River, Hancock is a gateway to the wilderness. Eighty-two percent of Hancock’s land belongs to the Green Mountain National Forest, and Hancock is home to outdoor adventures galore. With the smallest population in the White River Valley, Hancock is home to a small, close community. Conveniently located along Route 100, about halfway between Killington and the Mad River Valley, Hancock offers many services for travelers and residents.

Read more