Author: Dan Perera
Hancock Budget Committee
WARNING – Hancock Budget Committee Meeting
Tuesday December 12, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office
NOTE: This Budget Committee Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Budget Committee Meeting
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This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.
Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
New Business
Draft Hancock budget for 2024-25 fiscal year.
Old Business
Hancock Budget Committee Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday November 28, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video
- Call to Order: 6:07pm
- Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Jody Jesso
- Minutes of the last meeting: NA
- Public Comment: None
- New Business:
Draft Hancock budget for 2024-25 fiscal year.
Discussion included reducing auditing expenses, interest expense on flood repairs loan, the need to budget for loan interest to support the replacement of the damaged Shampeny Hill culvert, expected FEMA reimbursements.
Another meeting is needed for this process.
- Old Business:
- Executive Session: NA
- Adjournment: 7:47pm
WARNING – Hancock Budget Committee Meeting
Tuesday November 28, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office
NOTE: This Budget Committee Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Budget Committee Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App:
To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 847 2267 5710
Password: 677592
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This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.
Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
New Business
Draft Hancock budget for 2024-25 fiscal year.
Old Business
Hancock Budget Committee Meeting
Draft Minutes
Monday December 12, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person
- Call to Order: 6pm
- Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Marge Ross, June Eaton, Eva Jesso, Jody Jesso
- New Business: Discuss and create proposed budget for FY23-24.
- Adjournment: 8:10pm
This meeting is available for viewing at:
WARNING – Hancock Budget Committee Meeting
Monday December 12, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office
Call to Order
New Business – discuss and create budget for FY23-24
Hancock Budget Committee Meeting
Thursday, November 9, 2021 at 6:30 pm
via Zoom
I. Review of budget for FY 22/23
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Draft Minutes
Hancock Budget Committee Meeting
Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 6:30 pm
via Zoom
Call to Order 6:30pm
I. Review of budget for FY 22/23 – Discussion
Adjournment: 7:28pm
Link to video of meeting:
Next meeting November 9, 2021
Hancock Budget Committee Meeting
Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 6:30 pm
via Zoom
I. Review of budget for FY 22/23
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 810 3585 8705
Passcode: 638684
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Meeting ID: 810 3585 8705
Passcode: 638684
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Hancock Board of Civil Authority
Minutes of the last meeting:
BCA Meeting Minutes via Zoom
June 18, 2020
Present: Monica Collins, Jody Troumbley, Marge Ross, June Eaton, John Ross, Roger Comes
Meeting called to order at 6:04PM
Purpose of meeting to designate the polling place for Granville Hancock Unified District Annual meeting
by Australian ballot on June 30, 2020.
Marge Ross made a motion to make 1027 VT Route 100 Hancock VT the polling place for the GHUD
annual meeting. John Ross seconded the vote. So voted.
John Ross made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Marge Ross seconded. So voted.
Meeting adjourned at 6:08PM
Respectfully submitted,
Jody Troumbley, Town Clerk
Minutes of last meeting:
Hancock Board of Civil Authority Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday March 12, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm
- Call to Order: 6:15pm by Jack Ross
- Introductions: Roger Comes, Jack Ross, Marge Ross, Monica Collins, Morris Eaton, Dan Perera, Janet Jesso, Jody Troumbley
- Minutes of the last meeting: N/A
- Reorganization:
Roger Comes nominated to be Chairman. Seconded. All in favor. Approved.
Dan Perera nominated to be Secretary. Second. All in favor. Approved.
5. New Business
Board review of Hancock Voter Roll. Discussion and full review of list. Those marked “Challenge” or “Moved” shall be sent Challenge letters to determine if they are still eligible to be on the Voter Roll.
Motion to approve the list of Challenges. Second. All in favor. Approved.
Discussion regarding the need to do a review of the Hancock Voter Roll every two years.
Old Business: N/A
Adjournment: 7:05pm
Planning Commission
Public Hearing Notice
Town of Hancock
The Selectboard of the Town of Hancock will hold a hearing on the proposed revisions to the Hancock Town Plan on February 15, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the Town Clerk’s Office located at 1027 VT Route 100, Hancock VT 05748. The meeting may also be accessed remotely by Zoom, using the following weblink and access information:
Meeting ID: 818 3282 2545
Passcode: 856321
Phone: +1-301-715-8592
Any written comments from residents, landowners, neighboring towns, the regional planning commission, and the State shall be addressed to the Hancock Selectboard either at this Public Hearing or by mail to PO Box 100, Hancock, VT 05748 by February 14, 2022. These revisions will replace the current Plan in its entirety.
The proposal covers all lands within the Town of Hancock. Full copies of the draft Town Plan and maps are available for review at the Hancock Town Offices and Below is a summary of the proposal.
I. Introduction
II. Population
III. Economic Base
IV. Housing
V. Community Development
VI. Utilities & Facilities
VII. Emergency Service Station
VIII. Education
IX. Transportation
X. Current and Future Land Use
XI. Natural Resources
XII. Energy
XIII. Recreation
XIV. Agriculture & Forestry
XV. Flood Resilience
XVI. Relationship to Other Plans
XVII. Implementation
Hancock Selectboard
Public Hearing Notice
Town of Hancock
The Planning Commission of the Town of Hancock will hold a hearing on the proposed revisions to the Hancock Town Plan on December 21, 2021 at 5:00 pm at the Town Clerk’s Office located at 1027 VT Route 100, Hancock VT 05748. The meeting may also be accessed remotely by Zoom, using the following weblink and access information:
Meeting ID: 849 2582 9144
Passcode: ft6a3q
Any written comments from residents, landowners, neighboring towns, the regional planning commission, and the State shall be addressed to the Hancock Planning Commission either at this Public Hearing or by mail to PO Box 100, Hancock, VT 05748 by December 21, 2021. These revisions will replace the current Plan in its entirety.
The proposal covers all lands within the Town of Hancock. Full copies of the draft Town Plan and maps are available for review at the Hancock Town Offices and Below is a summary of the proposal.
I. Introduction
II. Population
III. Economic Base
IV. Housing
V. Community Development
VI. Utilities & Facilities
VII. Emergency Service Station
VIII. Education
IX. Transportation
X. Current and Future Land Use
XI. Natural Resources
XII. Energy
XIII. Recreation
XIV. Agriculture & Forestry
XV. Flood Resilience
XVI. Relationship to Other Plans
XVII. Implementation
Hancock Planning Commission
November 16, 2021
WARNING – Planning Commission Meeting
Wednesday August 18, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office
Call to Order
Public Comment
New Business
Assign responsibility for completion of Town Plan to Select Board
Old Business
Click the link below for the current Hancock Town Plan.
Hancock Planning Commission
The Planning Commission will meet on Monday, May 20th at 6:30 at the Hancock Town Office
1. Review of State of Vermont Letter of Intent for driveway access for
1628 VT Route 125
2. Town Plan review
3. Adjourn
Next meeting April 29th, 6:30 pm at the Hancock Town Clerk’s office
Minutes from the Planning Commission Meeting, April 29, 2019
Present: Samantha, Monica, Scott, Peter, Pete, Jess
What we did:
Reviewed data updates to the Recreation chapter & Agriculture & Forestry chapter
Discussed Flood Resiliency w/ Pete and reviewed the Flood Resiliency chapter
To do:
Scott will review the Census of Ag. data and pull additional stats
Link to Census here:,_Chapter_1_State_Level/Vermont/vtv1.pdf
Jess will create a table of ag/forestry employment data at the county level including Addison, Windsor, Orange & Washington
Jess will update the number of statewide floods & look at frequency
Jess will pull language on invasives for the Natural Resources chapter
PC will get comments on the Emergency Services chapter
Next meeting:
Review items on the above to-do list
Update Emergency Services chapter
Discuss upcoming timeline for Enhanced Energy meetings
The next decided upon meeting date will be Monday, May 20th at 6:30pm.
Minutes from the Planning Commission Meeting, April 4, 2019 6:30 PM Hancock Town Office
Present: Samantha Sheehan, Monica Collins (ex-officio non-voting member), Scott Gillette, Jess Richter (TRORC), Forrest Patterson by phone
I. Reorganization of Commission
Nomination of Samantha Sheehan was made for Commission Chair and seconded.
Samantha Sheehan was voted as new chair
II. Town Plan Review with Jessica Richter of TRORC
See notes below
What we did:
Updated the Recreation chapter
Updated the Agriculture & Forestry chapter
To do:
Jess will update outdoor recreation economy data
Check on # of acres of conserved land owned by the Town off of Tunnel Brook Rd
Jess will re-update US Census of Agriculture data with 2017 results
Jess will update % of residents employed in ag/forestry sectors (pg. 64)
Check on trends of # of mills in region (pg. 64)
Next meeting April 29th, 6:30 pm at the Hancock Town Clerk’s office.:
Review data updates to Recreation & Agriculture/Forestry chapters
Update Flood Resilience chapter w Pete Fellows
III. Motion made and seconded to adjourn meeting at 8:15 pm
March 13, 2019 Draft Meeting Minutes
Present: Monica, Scott, Jess
What we did:
Decided to add language regarding Village Center Designation to the Village Center sub-chapter
Updated the Natural Resources chapter
To do:
Jess will update flooding info within the Flood Hazard/Floodplain sub-chapter of Natural Resources chapter
Jess will reach out to ANR to get an explanation of ‘Waste Management Discharge Zones (B3)’
Jess will reach out to Steve Libby again to determine the update to the recreation land-use boundary
Monica will reach out to Mary Russ (WRP) to determine relevant info to add regarding surface water resources & wastewater discharges
Next meeting:
Review items on the above to-do list
Update Energy chapter
At last night’s meeting, we also tentatively discussed a timeline for the next few meetings. It looks like 3-4 more meetings will be needed to cover the remaining chapters. If possible, we will try to double up on meetings in April to stay on schedule.
The tentatively decided dates for the two April meetings are Thursday, April 4th at 6:30pm and Wednesday, April 17th at 6:30pm. Let me know if these dates will work for you and if not, we can do our best to reschedule for another date.
Thanks everyone!
Feb. 13, 2019 Meeting Notes:
Present: Monica, Forrest, Jessica Richter (Two Rivers Ottaquechee Regional Planning Commission)
What we did:
Updated the Current & Future Land Use chapter
Discussed adding additional language regarding Village Designation
To do:
Jess will send the Village Designation language to Monica for review
Jess will reach out to Steve Libby to determine the added boundary for the added Recreation Area on land use map
Monica will confirm the % of land owned by GMNF & the latest town population #
Jess will send paragraph on pedestrian traffic in village to Monica for updates
Review Natural Resources chapter for any changes
Next meeting:
Review items on the above to-do list
Update the Natural Resources chapter
Update the Emergency Services chapter
Discuss the possibility of adding language that addresses multi-modal transportation
The next meeting will be on March 13th at 6:30pm.
Here is a follow-up to our planning commission meeting on Sept. 19.
Present: Kim & Jess from TRORC, Monica, Samantha
What we did:
- Acknowledged we may need to do a contract extension at some point, as the contract calls for a December end date which may be unrealistic
- Received Samantha’s homework from last meeting
- Kim’s homework didn’t have available data (Dept of Labor website wouldn’t provide for a town this small, and Census data only provides American Community Survey data which has a large enough margin of error that it’s not very meaningful to use)
- Updated the Housing Chapter (except for Section C – will need to revisit this in the future because the website containing that data is currently under construction)
- Updated the Community Development Chapter
- Updated the Utilities and Facilities (U & F) Chapter
- Skipped the Emergency Services Chapter, as we would like comments from Ken here
- Updated the Education Chapter (Samantha getting enrollment info, will need to insert that when received)
To do:
Monica checking on how much money the Hancock Library receives yearly from the Town (U & F Chapter)
Kim checking on Solid Waste Implementation Plans (U & F Chapter) as I believe state requirements have changed since last version of the plan
Monica sending Emergency Services chapter to Ken for comments/updates
Samantha getting school enrollment info for Education Chapter
Next meeting:
Review items on the above To Do List
Update the next 4 chapters (Transportation; Current & Future Land Use; Natural Resources; Energy) – these are heavy chapters and we may not make it through all at the next meeting, but will be prepared to in case we do have time. (Kim & Jess doing data updates; PC members providing local knowledge updates.
Next meeting: October 10th at 6:30 PM.
Granville-Hancock Unified School District Minutes
The Minutes and Warnings for the Granville-Hancock Unified School District can be found at:
Hancock Free Public Library Trustees Minutes
Coming soon.
Hancock Recreation Committee Minutes
Hancock Recreation Committee Meeting
Sunday July 22, 2019
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Hancock Fire Station Meeting Room
Please park behind the building in case the firefighters have to go out on a call.
Meetings of the Hancock Recreation Committee are open to the public. All
community members are invited to attend.
• Introductions
• Opportunity for Public Comment
• Review Minutes from May 5 th Meeting
• Nominate Committee Members to fill Vacancies
o 1 year to fill out 2 year term
o 1 year youth seat
• Review bylaws – discuss meeting schedule
• Discuss / plan for upcoming events
Hancock Recreation Committee Special Meeting with Community Partners
Sunday June 2, 2019
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Hancock Fire Station Meeting Room
Please park behind the building in case the firefighters have to go out on a call.
Meetings of the Hancock Recreation Committee are open to the public. All
community members are invited to attend.
• Introductions
• Opportunity for Public Comment
• Update on May 19 th community partner meeting
• Work on finalizing schedule for 2019/2020
Hancock Recreating Committee
Special Partner Meeting
Sunday May 19, 2019
Meeting called to Order at 8:30 am.
Linda Anderson (Chair), Mary Landwher (Youth Representative), Katy Landwher (Community
Member), Tracy Beers, Jeanette Bair, Sue Ribaudo,
Public Comment:
None at this time
Identify Process / Tool for Co-ordinating Events in the Valley:
The group determined the most useful tool would be an online calendar that all local
groups could access to upload their events.
It was decided that an independent webpage would be the best option as the calendar
would be utilized by numerous organizations / business in various towns.
o The website should have multiple pages that organizations without a web-
presence could use to share information about who they are, what they do and
how to contact them.
Tracy Beers builds websites for a living and is willing to donate her time to set up the
website and train user groups how to update their information. She is willing to provide
some minimal support to help users upload their calendar information.
o The Hancock Recreation Committee can reimburse Tracy for the hosting fee –
estimated at approximately $5 a month and ask participating organizations for a
donation of $12 a year to help support the webhosting costs. There will be
another additional fee for e-mail / marketing capacity which would be supported
through the $12 donation.
o The Hancock Recreation Committee can collect and track donations.
The tentative name for the Website would be the Q-Town Community Calendar
o It would be available for postings for events held in Granville, Hancock,
Rochester, Stockbridge and Pittsfield.
When the site is live each participating group will be sent a link to share with their
mailing lists for participants to sign up to receive reminders about upcoming events.
The goals for this tool are:
o A single place community members can go to find out what events are happening
in the valley
o A way for local groups to know what else is happening when they are trying to
schedule events so there is better coordination of events / activities
o Potentially a way to encourage more collaboration between community groups
o early June Tracy will create a form to collect information groups want listed on
the site.
o early June Linda will create a form to request donations from participating
organizations / businesses
o early June Linda will run a press release, post on Front Porch Forum & send a
targeted e-mail to all known groups re: the opportunity.
o Tracy will serve as the contact for questions re: the website and can be reached
at .
All donations can be mailed to Linda. Address will be on the form.
o Tracy will begin work on the website in July.
o Our goal is to have a soft launch of the website at the beginning of August
building in more organizations over time.
o Once the website is up and running the group will discuss how to market the tool
to the community.
Following discussion around the tool the group reviewed the proposed HRC schedule for
the upcoming year and identified several potential conflicts to be reviewed by the
Meeting adjourned 9:30 am
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Anderson
Hancock Recreation Committee Special Meeting with Community Partners
Sunday May 19, 2019
8:30 am – 10:00 am
Hancock Fire Station Meeting Room
Please park behind the building in case the firefighters have to go out on a call.
Meetings of the Hancock Recreation Committee are open to the public. All
community members are invited to attend.
• Introductions
• Opportunity for Public Comment
• Review the proposed HRC schedule for the year
o Discuss any possible conflicts with other community event s
o Discuss opportunities to partner on events
• Discuss possible tools for community groups to use for scheduling & advertising
Hancock Recreating Committee
Meeting Minutes
Sunday May 04, 2019
Meeting called to Order at 6:00 pm.
Linda Anderson (Chair), Jack Ross (Secretary), Jamie Stone (Treasurer),
Public Comment:
None at this time
Approval of Minutes:
Minutes from April 7, 2019 approved by unanimous vote.
We are still looking for someone to fill the 2 year term recently vacated by Dakota
Partner Meeting:
The community partner meeting is scheduled for Sunday May 19 th at the Hancock Fire
Station to discuss potential conflicts with HRC events and tools for scheduling events
throughout the community. Jamie will not be available to attend this meeting.
Recreation Space:
Linda will e-mail the Select Board to request time at the May 21 st meeting to discuss
opportunities / ideas for recreation space.
Linda will e-mail Hancock Town Pride re: request for financial assistance to purchase
toddler bucket swing for the swing set if approved by the Select Board.
Town Tree Lighting / Holiday Event:
Linda will e-mail Hancock Town Pride to see if they’re interested in partnering on the
Holiday Variety Show idea proposed at the previous meeting.
Upcoming Event:
Back to Roots Pot Luck Supper Saturday May 11 th 5:00 – 7:00
Next Meeting: The meeting schedule for July will be adjusted due to committee member
June 2 nd
July 14 th – At this meeting we’ll review our governance documents and suggest any
changes based on our experiences in our first year. Possible change to meeting
schedule to meet bi-monthly.
Meeting adjourned 6:16 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Anderson
Hancock Recreating Committee
Meeting Minutes
Sunday March 10, 2019
Meeting called to Order at 6:00 pm.
Linda Anderson (Chair), Marge Ross, Mary (White River Partnership), Monica Collins (Select Board)
Public Comment:
None at this time
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
No quorum present – approval of minutes tabled until April meeting.
Presentation by White River Partnership:
The land along the river behind Bettis Autoland has been bought out and White River Partnership is taking over stewardship of the property. They will be creating a public river access with a picnic area and parking. They are looking for ideas for naming the access.
Marge will contact Everett to see if he wants his name connected. Several options – Bettis Access, Hancock River Access. Once there are several options we will set up a process for community members to vote on their preferred choice.
No quorum – agenda item tabled until April Meeting.
Draft Schedule for 2019/2020:
No quorum – agenda item tabled until April Meeting.
Plan for April Partner Meeting to Finalize Schedule:
No quorum – agenda item tabled until April Meeting.
Next Meeting: The meeting schedule will be adjusted over the next few months due to committee member availability:
• April 7th
• May 5th
Meeting adjourned 7:00 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Anderson
Calendar of Events:
• Saturday April 6, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
• Sunday April 7, 20199 8:00 – 10:00 Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
• Saturday May 4, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday May 4, 2019 5:00 – 7:00 Celebrate our Cultural Diversity
Potluck Dinner
• Saturday June 1, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday June 1, 2019 5:00 – 7:00 Murder Mystery Chicken & Biscuit
Dinner Fundraiser
Hancock Recreating Committee
Meeting Minutes
Sunday February 10, 2019
Meeting called to Order at 6:08 pm.
Linda Anderson (Chair), Jamie Stone (Teasurer), Jack Ross (Secretary), Dakota Stender
(Committee Member), Mary Landwher (Youth Representative), Marge Ross, Tracy Beers
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
Minutes approved unanimously
Public Comment:
None at this time
Events Debriefing:
STEM Days – Events seem to be well received. With the exception of 4
participants we’ve had different participants each time.
Caroling Party – the people that attended enjoyed themselves. We probably
would have had a better turnout if we hadn’t had to move the date due to the
Game Night – we had a fairly small turnout but there were 2 new families that
participated this time. There had been a fair amount of interest in the event. This
is a low effort event. We’d like to try again – tentatively Saturday March 23 rd from
5:00 – 7:00.
Feedback re: Budget Request – At this time the budget committee and select board
didn’t feel like they could support our budget request. We appreciate their in-kind
support and will explore additional opportunities to raise the funds we need. We should
connect with the Select Board and other appropriate groups to brainstorm ideas for
recreational equipment & space.
Request from White River Partnership re: Naming the River Access Site – We will
extend invitation to the partnership, historical society & Hancock Town Pride to join us at
our March meeting to discuss.
Discuss Participation in DisasTour Kids Activities April 27 – Tracy put our group
forward as potential recipients for ½ of the proceeds from the DisasTour. They would
welcome volunteers and help getting information out to our community re: the event.
Opportunity to do Bottle Drive – We have been offered the opportunity to collect
bottles at the recycling day in Rochester. Linda will contact the coordinator to see if
there are any dates open after April 20 th . Jamie has a trailer we could use. Jack &
Dakota could help with trucks.
Upcoming Events:
Community Game Night Potluck: Saturday March 23 rd 5:00 – 7:00. Linda will check
on space availability.
Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser: Sunday April 7 th 8:00 – 10:00. Volunteers need to be
there at 7:00.
o Jack & Marge will take care of:
4 cans of frozen Orange Juice
o Linda will:
Contact McKenzie to see if they would donated sausage
Pick up cloth tablecloths
Get butter
Get regular & decaf coffee
o Jamie will:
Get the eggs
Get cream
o Katy will:
get the syrup
April 27 th – DisasTour – we will help advertise the event and anyone interested in
volunteering is welcome to contact them.
May 4 th – Back to Roots Pot Luck – Community members are invited to bring a pot
luck dish that represents their cultural roots.
June 1 st – Murder Mystery Chicken & Biscuit Dinner Fundraiser – This coincides with
Neighbors Day. We’ll hold this as a neighbor day event and Tracy will put it on the
International Neighbors Day calendar.
Event Ideas for 2019 / 2020:
Walking Group – when the weather improves, we can look into starting a walking group.
Soccer Pick-up Games – through the summer
End of Summer Bash – Connect w/ Fire Department to find out if they’re interested in
working together since this is the year they do their auction. If not, we’ll need to find a
new date. Think about adding a baking contest component this year.
Community Read Aloud – try for Early September, right after school starts.
STEM Days – Look at starting in October – June due to Labor Day / Harvest Fair /
Tunbridge Fair in September.
Caroling Party – Try for early December again.
Fundraising Ideas for 2019 / 2020:
Could we do some kind of cooking contest fundraiser – maybe something like chopped?
Tasting menu fundraiser?
Bake sales if given the opportunities again
Next Meeting: The meeting schedule will be adjusted over the next few months due to
committee member availability:
March – Moved to March 10 th : Joint meeting w/ Hancock Town Pride, Hancock Historical
Society & White River Partnership to discuss naming river access
April 7 th : Invite local groups from Hancock, Granville & Rochester to talk about schedules
to try to avoid too much overlap.
Meeting adjourned 7:15 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Anderson
Calendar of Events:
Saturday December 16, 2018 5:00 – 7:00 Tentative Caroling Party
Saturday January 4, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
Saturday February 2, 2018 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
Saturday February 2, 2019 5:00 – 7:00 Community Game Night
Saturday March 2, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
Saturday April 6, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
Sunday April 7, 20199 8:00 – 10:00 Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
Saturday May 4, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
Saturday May 4, 2019 5:00 – 7:00 Celebrate our Cultural Diversity
Potluck Dinner
Saturday June 1, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
Saturday June 1, 2019 5:00 – 7:00 Murder Mystery Chicken & Biscuit
Dinner Fundraiser
Hancock Recreation Committee Meeting
Sunday December 2, 2018
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Hancock Fire Station Meeting Room
Please park behind the building in case the firefighters have to go out on a call.
Meetings of the Hancock Recreation Committee are open to the public. All
community members are invited to attend.
Opportunity for Public Comment
Approval of Minutes from November 4 th Meeting
Debrief event:
o STEM Day
o Caroling Party
Review Budget Request for 2019
o Finalize plans for Game Night
Discuss Meeting Schedule for January
Any community members interested in volunteering to participate in special work
groups to assist in organizing projects / events / fundraisers are encouraged to
Hancock Recreating Committee
Meeting Minutes
Sunday November 4, 2018
Meeting called to Order at 6:00 pm.
Linda Anderson (Chair), Jamie Stone (Treasurer), Jack Ross (Secretary), Mary Landwehr
(Youth Representative), Katy Landwehr,
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
Meeting Minutes from 10/07/18 were reviewed. Minutes were approved as submitted by
unanimous vote.
Public Comment:
None at this time
Events Debriefing:
o Well attended. Explore working with the Fire Department next year to
combine event with their bi-annual auction
Ham Dinner:
o Not well attended. If we do this again, we should look at moving it to 5:00
– 7:00.
Valley Story Hour:
o Schedule the event for early September, soon after the school year starts.
Trunk or Treat:
o Documented 40 votes – there were a lot of people who didn’t vote.
Estimate 60-80 people participated in the event.
o There was some talk about moving the date to the Sunday afternoon
before Halloween so more people can be involved. Some participants in
the Trunk or Treat Lot indicated that if it was moved, they might not
participate since they felt they’d need to choose between Trunk or Treat or
o The committee saw pros and cons with both options. If the date chosen is
the Sunday afternoon before Halloween this may conflict with a WRVP
o Katy is willing to plant extra pumpkins this year in anticipation of the event.
Budget Proposal:
Our budget proposal is due to the Budget Committee December 3 rd . We propose the
$300 for End of Summer Bash – bounce house rental & supplies
$50 for Ham Dinner – food & supplies
$20 for Trunk or Treat – candy & supplies
$50 for Spaghetti Dinner – food & supplies
$100 for Caroling Party – refreshments & supplies
$50 for Pancake Breakfast – food & supplies
$25 for Pot Luck Game Night – food & supplies
$25 for Back to Roots Pot Luck – food & supplies
$100 for Chicken Pie Murder Mystery supper – food & supplies
$100 for STEM Activity materials
$100 for brochures
$100 for web support
$100 for postage
$300 for basketball hoops & backboards
Total Budget request – $1,450. Based on fundraising in 2018, the committee hopes to
raise $950 through fundraising efforts and would like to request support from the town of
$500 to help support committee infrastructure and purchase recreation equipment.
On a related note – the committee is interested in exploring with the Select Board ways
to improve the playground. Dakota will talk to Laura Webber re: where she obtained
chips for her playground for ideas on cost. The committee would like to invest in an
infant / toddler bucket swing seat if approved by the Select Board. We anticipate
approximately $100 that would be taken from funds raised to date. The committee
would like to work with the Select Board to fix up the basketball courts. We’d like to get
new backboards / hoops installed this summer and host pick up basketball games.
November 10, 2018 – Trivia Spaghetti Dinner Night: Linda has the materials
for the team trivia game which will include some kid friendly questions.
Discussed possible prizes for winning team. Settled on requesting gift
certificates for coffee / ice cream cones from Skip Mart. Jamie will look into this.
Upcoming Events:
STEM Days at the Library:
o STEM Days will begin Saturday December 1 st .
Caroling Party:
o We will get graham crackers for the gingerbread houses. Katy mentioned that
Mac’s has icing kits that could speed things up.
Chicken Pot Pie:
o Jack volunteered to make chicken & biscuits.
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be Sunday December 4 th at 6:00pm.
Meeting adjourned 7:30 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Dakota Stender & Linda Anderson
Calendar of Events:
Saturday November 10, 2018 5:00 – 7:00 Trivia Night Spaghetti Dinner
Saturday December 1, 2018 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
Saturday December 1, 2018 5:00 – 7:00 Christmas Caroling Party
Saturday January 4, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
Saturday February 2, 2018 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
Saturday February 2, 2019 5:00 – 7:00 Community Game Night
Saturday March 2, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
Saturday April 6, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
Sunday April 7, 20199 8:00 – 10:00 Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
Saturday May 4, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
Saturday May 4, 2019 5:00 – 7:00 Celebrate our Cultural Diversity
Potluck Dinner
Saturday June 1, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
Saturday June 1, 2019 5:00 – 7:00 Murder Mystery Chicken & Biscuit
Dinner Fundraiser
Hancock Recreating Committee
Meeting Minutes
Sunday October 7, 2018
Meeting called to Order at 6:24 pm.
Linda Anderson (Chair), Jamie Stone (Treasurer), Jack Ross (Secretary), Mary Landwehr (Youth Representative), Katy Landwehr,
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
Meeting Minutes from 09/19/18 were reviewed. Minutes were approved as submitted by unanimous vote.
Public Comment:
None at this time
Events Updates:
• October 21, 2018 – Valley Story Hour: Linda is organizing this event. The event will begin at 2:45 at the Gazebo. Participants will choose the 3 stories they want to hear. Readers will read each story 3 times. We have the following story sites:
o Hubbard’s – Sara Deering
o Library – Margi Rogal
o Town Office – Monica Collins
o Gazebo – Linda Anderson
We’ll serve snacks at the Gazebo following the last story. We have the following donations for snacks:
o Apples – Jamie will get a donation from VTC
o Donuts – Hubbard’s and Marge Ross will each donate a couple dozen donuts
o Cider – Hubbard’s will donate some cider
o Camp Killooleet donated 2 large boxes of granola bars
• October 28, 2018 – Fundraising Opportunity: We have the opportunity to sell refreshments at the October 27th performance of The Singing Master. Committee voted unanimously to sell refreshments.
o Linda will organize donations. Suggestions:
Chocolate chip cookies
Rice Crispy Squares
Lemon muffins w/ lemon glaze
Fruit skewers
o Linda, Carmen & Jack will work at the refreshment table.
o Jack will ask Marge if she is willing to help.
• October 31, 2018 – Trunk or Treat: We have asked Renee for an update. The Rec Committee will have a tent either at the beginning or end of the Spooky Path. We’ll have a table for the Rec Committee and a table for the Library.
o Jack has a tent and 2 tables we can use.
o Linda and Jamie will donate candy for the HRC table.
o Linda will find some decorations for the tent and table.
o Linda and Jamie will work at the HRC table. HRC members are encouraged to dress up.
o Other committee members are encouraged to participate and are encouraged to contact Renee so she has a headcount.
• November 10, 2018 – Trivia Spaghetti Dinner Night: Linda will organize the team trivia game. Volunteers will meet at the Town Hall at 3:00 to set up and begin cooking. Dinner will be served from 5:00 – 6:00 with Trivia to follow from 6:00 – 7:00. Menu:
o Marinara Suace – Jack will bring ingredients & make the sauce
o Alfredo Sauce – Katy will buy a couple jars
o Meatballs – Linda will bring ingredients and make the meatballs
o Spaghetti – Jamie will pick up spaghetti as well as a gluten free option
o Garlic Bread – Katy will request donation from Picarellos
o Green Salad – we will ask for a volunteer
o Dirt Cups for dessert – Jamie will bring ingredients and make them
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be Sunday November 4th at 6:00pm.
Meeting adjourned 7:00 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Katy Landwehr & Linda Anderson
Calendar of Events:
• Sunday October 21, 2018 3:00 – 4:30 Community Story Hour
• Wednesday October 31, 2018 5:00 – 7:00 Trunk or Treat
• Saturday November 10, 2018 5:00 – 7:00 Trivia Night Spaghetti Dinner
• Saturday December 1, 2018 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday December 1, 2018 5:00 – 7:00 Christmas Caroling Party
• Saturday January 4, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday February 2, 2018 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday February 2, 2019 5:00 – 7:00 Community Game Night
• Saturday March 2, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday April 6, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
• Sunday April 7, 20199 8:00 – 10:00 Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
• Saturday May 4, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday May 4, 2019 5:00 – 7:00 Celebrate our Cultural Diversity
Potluck Dinner
• Saturday June 1, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday June 1, 2019 5:00 – 7:00 Murder Mystery Chicken & Biscuit
Dinner Fundraiser
Hancock Recreation Committee Meeting
Sunday October 7, 2018
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Hancock Fire Station Meeting Room
Please park behind the building in case the firefighters have to go out on a call.
Meetings of the Hancock Recreation Committee are open to the public. All community members are invited to attend.
• Introductions
• Opportunity for Public Comment
• Approval of Minutes from September 19th Meeting
• Events:
o Finalize Plans for Valley Story Hour – October 21st
o Discuss Fundraiser Opportunity – refreshment sales at the WRVP Production 10/27
o Updates on Trunk or Treat
o Trivia Dinner
Any community members interested in volunteering to participate in special work groups to assist in organizing projects / events / fundraisers are encouraged to attend.
Hancock Recreating Committee
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday September 19, 2018
Meeting called to Order at 6:30 pm.
Linda Anderson (Chair), Jamie Stone (Treasurer), Dakota Stender (Committee Member), Jack Ross (Secretary), Marge Ross, Carmen Angulo
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
Meeting Minutes from 09/05/18 were reviewed. Minutes were approved with the following edit – we neglected to reflect a vote taken at the 9/5/18 meeting to approve reimbursement to Katy Landwehr for ½ the cost of the ice cream for the End of Summer Bash.
Public Comment:
None at this time
Adjustment to Regular Meeting Schedule:
The Wednesday meetings are proving difficult for most committee members. We discussed several options and determined that Sunday Evenings from 6:00 – 7:30 may work better. Committee voted to move the regular monthly meetings to the first Sunday of the month from 6:00 – 7:30 at the Fire Station. Approved by unanimous vote.
Event Brochure:
The committee reviewed the draft event brochure and agreed to get 300 printed through Spaulding Press – black & white on yellow paper. Brochures will be distributed to local businesses, at events, and committee members will work on disseminating brochures to community members.
Event Follow Up
The Committee met to finalize plans for the Ham Dinner. Volunteers will meet at 1:00 to set up. Any committee members w/ fall decorations are encouraged to bring them. Linda will pick up table covers. The event was advertised in the Herald, Front Porch Forum & Facebook.
The following menu items / supplies are being provided by:
• Ham – donated by Marge & Jack. Denise will donate a 2nd ham.
• Mac & Cheese – Tracy will make a crockpot of mac & cheese. Linda will make a pan of gluten free mac & cheese.
• Baked Beans – Marge will make a crockpot of baked beans, Linda will make a crockpot of vegetarian baked beans
• Coleslaw – Wendy will donate 2 bowls of coleslaw
• Apple Crisp – Jamie will donate 4 pans of apple crisp
• Rolls & Butter – Denise will bring rolls and butter
• Mustard, salt & pepper – Linda will bring
• Coffee & filters – available at the Town Hall (leftover from the church)
• Sugar for coffee, lemonade and bottled water – Jamie
• Cream, tea & ice water, garbage bags, recycling bin, & dish soap – Linda
7:05 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Jamie Stone & Linda Anderson
Calendar of Events:
• Sunday September 30, 2018 2:00 – 4:00 Harvest Dinner Fundraiser
• Sunday October 21, 2018 3:00 – 4:30 Community Story Hour
• Wednesday October 31, 2018 5:00 – 7:00 Trunk or Treat
• Saturday November 10, 2018 5:00 – 7:00 Trivia Night Spaghetti Dinner
• Saturday December 1, 2018 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday December 1, 2018 5:00 – 7:00 Christmas Caroling Party
• Saturday January 4, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday February 2, 2018 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday February 2, 2019 5:00 – 7:00 Community Game Night
• Saturday March 2, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday April 6, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
• Sunday April 7, 20199 8:00 – 10:00 Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
• Saturday May 4, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday May 4, 2019 5:00 – 7:00 Celebrate our Cultural Diversity
Potluck Dinner
• Saturday June 1, 2019 9:30 – 10:30 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday June 1, 2019 5:00 – 7:00 Murder Mystery Chicken & Biscuit
Dinner Fundraiser
Hancock Recreating Committee
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday September 5, 2018
Linda Anderson, Jamie Stone, Dakota Stender, Mary Landwher, Katy Landwher, Jack Ross, Renee Veilleux,
Approval Of Meeting Minutes:
Meeting Minutes from 07/18/18, 08/01/08, 08/08/18 were approved as submitted.
Public Comment:
Jack Ross commented that the End of Summer Bash had a great turnout and was well organized. Hopefully this will become an annual event.
Katy Landwehr requested that the committee approve reimbursement for ½ the cost of the ice cream from the End of Summer Bash. The committee approved by unanimous vote.
Appointment of New Committee Member to fill Vacancy:
Vacancy for two-year seat – Jack Ross expressed interest in serving. He was voted in as the new Hancock Recreation Committee member to fill out the open two-year term.
Appointment of Secretary to fill Vacancy:
Jack Ross will serve as Secretary.
Update on Financial Structure:
The Rec Committee does not have authority to spend money. All expenditures must be approved by the Select Board. We submit the invoices, w-9s and a check request to them. Once they approve the expenses the Town Treasurer pays the bills. Deposits go to the Town Treasurer to be deposited into the General Fund in a sub-account restricted for the Rec Committee expenses. In December we will submit a budget for the town report to be voted on at Town Meeting. The Town Fiscal Year is July 1 – June 30.
Events / Projects – Budgets / Action Plans / Task Assignment
The Committee agreed to hold the following events (exploring partnerships with other groups like the Library Trustees or Friends of the Library, Hancock Town Pride, other local Rec Committees whenever possible).
• STEM Days at the Library: Librarian is doing some research and Jamie will look into VTC’s program to see if there are any leftover supplies or perhaps volunteers who would like to run an event – Linda will coordinate with the Library groups on these monthly events. (one Saturday morning a month)
• Community Story Hour: Work with volunteers from local businesses, participants choose the 3 stories they want to hear. Gather for snacks at the Gazebo after the event. (Sunday October 21, 2018 from 3:00 – 4:30) Linda will coordinate this event.
• Trunk or Treat: participants decorate the trunks of their cars and park in a central area, kids trick or treat around the circle. Vote on best trunks. Have people park at the green, decorate the path over to the parking lot behind the town hall for trick or treating. Work with library re: their desire to give out books – at the library or a table at the event? (Wednesday October 31, 2018 from 5:00 – 7:00) Renee will coordinate this event.
• Christmas Caroling Party: Start with tree lighting, carol up and down 100, meet back at the town hall for ornaments, gingerbread house building, cookie decorating, cocoa bar, visit from Santa, mitten tree. (Saturday December 1, 2018 tentative from 5:00 – 7:00) Need volunteer to coordinate this event.
• Community Game Night: Bring Your Own Board Game. (Saturday February 2, 2019 from 5:00 – 7:00) need a volunteer to coordinate this event.
• Celebrate our Cultural Diversity Potluck Dinner: Invite community members to bring a dish that represents their cultural heritage. (Saturday May 4, 2019 from 5:00 – 7:00). Linda will coordinate this event.
• Community Garden and Playground projects – we need volunteers to coordinate further exploration into these projects.
Fundraising – Budgets / Action Plans / Task Assignment
The community tabled the ideas for Community Valentine Dance, Community Talent Show and Town Wide Yard Sale and decided to focus on the following fundraiser ideas:
• Harvest Dinner: Ham, baked beans, mac & cheese, coleslaw, rolls & apple crisp (Sunday September 30, 2018 from 2:00 – 4:00) – Linda will coordinate this fundraiser
• Trivia Night Spaghetti Dinner: Spaghetti, alfredo and tomato sauce, meatballs, green salad and garlic bread – following dinner tables form teams and play trivia game. (Saturday November 10, 2018 from 5:00 – 7:00) – Need volunteer to coordinate this fundraiser.
• Pancake Breakfast: (Tentatively held Sunday April 7, 2019 from 8:00 – 10:00) Jack will coordinate this event.
• Murder Mystery Chicken & Biscuit Dinner: Chicken & Biscuits, mashed potatoes, carrots and dessert. Following dinner tables form teams to play Clue or something similar. (Saturday June 1, 2019 from 5:00 – 7:00). Linda will coordinate this event.
Next meeting
Special meeting – Need to schedule short follow up meeting to finalize plans for Harvest dinner. Suggest Wednesday September 19th 6:30 – 7:00. Will confirm.
Regular meeting – October 3, 2018 from 6-7:30pm
Meeting adjourned
7:45 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Katy Landwher & Linda Anderson
Calendar of Events:
• Saturday September 20, 2018 2:00 – 4:00 Harvest Dinner Fundraiser
• Saturday October 2018 STEM Day at the Library
• Sunday October 21, 2018 3:00 – 4:30 Community Story Hour
• Wednesday October 31, 2018 5:00 – 7:00 Trunk or Treat
• Saturday November 2018 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday November 10, 2018 5:00 – 7:00 Trivia Night Spaghetti Dinner
• Saturday December 2018 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday December 1, 2018 (TBD)5:00 – 7:00 Christmas Caroling Party
• Saturday January 2019 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday February 2018 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday February 2, 2019 5:00 – 7:00 Community Game Night
• Saturday March 2019 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday April 2019 STEM Day at the Library
• Sunday April 7, 20199 8:00 – 10:00 Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
• Saturday May 2019 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday May 4, 2019 5:00 – 7:00 Celebrate our Cultural Diversity
Potluck Dinner
• Saturday June 2019 STEM Day at the Library
• Saturday June 1, 2019 5:00 – 7:00 Murder Mystery Chicken & Biscuit
Dinner Fundraiser
Hancock Town Pride
Coming soon.
Friends of the Hancock Free Public Library
Coming soon.
Hancock Historical Society
This event to be held at the former Hancock Public Library on Rt 125 in Hancock.